Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Web Bites Woman

First, let me just say this:


Hell may hath no fury like a woman scorned, but the world hath no idiocy like that found on the internet.

Now, if we’ve all enjoyed our schadenfreude, can we just dish about how thought-provoking I find this story to be for a second?

I know this kind of thing happens every day, and perhaps today’s class discussion on media literacy has made me a little hypersensitive to the issue, but honest to Jeebus, who does that anymore? Not the trashing of personal property – the girl is 21, and to a certain extent not only expected but perhaps contractually obligated to do petty, stupid and ultimately ineffective stuff like that. But seriously, what 21-year-old is so technologically retarded as to be unaware of the public nature of internet postings? Fifteen, even ten years ago, cheaters, scoundrels and exes worldwide were caught off guard when their personal materials (read: homemade porn, “private” pictures, etc.) suddenly began appearing on the monitors of friends, colleagues and perfect strangers in the early AOL heyday. But in the age of Twitter, for god’s sake, how are there still people out there who don’t take into account that people can see what you post online?

For all the chatter about the internet as the wellspring of “new media,” its unparalleled cultural relevance, blah blah etc. whatever, you’d think people might consider, before posting self-incriminating materials, that someone out there might, y’know, USE it, and might actually read what’s posted. Especially if you've antagonized them beyond all sense by trashing their home and then daring them to prove it.

I'm just saying.

It’s been said more times than a duck has feathers: There’s nothing new under the sun. If she’d robbed a bank, she’d have written the hold-up note on her pay stub, for sure.

On the plus side, this is about as good and relevant as first post inspiration gets, I think. If she makes it to Seattle, maybe I'll buy her a drink as an appreciative gesture. But I'm not letting her anywhere near my apartment. Or my teddy bear.


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